Python software development, for data analysis or general utility code.
We can provide software development services for the Python. Our expertise are centred in numeric computing, analysis, and API creation, however we are more than capable of writing general purpose code using modules of your choice.
One of our team members, Connor Skelland, is currently in the process of designing an Application Programming Interface (API) that links in to commonly used material science simulation software tools: LAMMPS and GULP. If you would like to know more about this, and how Python was used to create it please get in contact and we'll be more than happy to let you know about it.
C software development, for numerical analysis and modelling.
We can provide software development services in C and C++. Our expertise are centred mainly around numerics and physical modelling, however if you have a more general requirement please get in contact and we'll see what we can do.
Our team member Gino Hrkac, has programmed his own micromagnetics modelling software (continuum model for magnetic materials), using the finite and boundary element methods. Using explicit and implicit solvers to solve inhomogeneous partial differential equations (Landau-Lifshitz equation) coupled to a diffusion equation. The model was made specifically to understand eddy currents in the nanometer regime and is extremely capable.
Matlab software development, for Modelling and Data analysis.
We can provide software development services for Matlab. Our expertise are centred around modelling and data analysis, if you wish we could offer you or your organisation courses on how best to use Matlab, these would be provided by Gino Hrkac who lectures at the University of Exeter on this subject.
Gino Hrkac teaches courses on how to use Matlab effectively at the University of Exeter.
Model design for complicated material systems.
We can provide a material model design service tailored to a specific material or materials you are interested in. Our expertise are in grain morphology and free energy calculations, but we are very comfortable in paradigms beyond this and can work to whatever you require.
Recently our team member, Prof Gino Hrkac, has been working on building a model which allows for the prediction of twin interfaces in Rare-Earth and Transition metal grains. The work is yet to be published, but his model can predict the likelihood of grain boundaries given the size and shape of a grain, and could save a significant amount of time during manufacture of magnetic systems. Click "see more" below for many more examples.
Finite Element modelling for complicated systems.
We can provide a Finite Element modelling service for materials or structures that are hard to simulate or produce meshes for. Our expertise in this mainly stem from Micromagnetic modelling, however as correct representation of the magnetic field requires extreme caution when setting up the mesh, we have a lot of experience dealing with tricky situations that can arise.
Gino Hrkac has produced proprietary meshing software for a micromagnetics simulation software package he developed during his Doctoral studies. The software has been used to discretize space and model magnetic properties in microgmanetic simulations over the last 10 years.
We can provide professional web development services using Webflow.
We have experience creating websites using the web development tool Webflow. Webflow makes it very easy to prototype, build, and manage anything from simple to complex websites, and these are benefits we can pass on to the end user. It's also possible to build a website and then export all the code so it can be ran on servers separate from Webflow itself.
Our team member Connor Skelland recently built the website you're reading this on now, and along with Gino Hrkac designed the user interface.