how can we help?

Our Services

Materials Research

Materials science questions, data analysis questions, and micro-research projects.


15+ years experience in materials science, solid state physics, and data analysis.

Professional contacts give us access to specialist equipment and staff, supplementing our high level expertise.

Cover large contracts to small projects (micro-research).

Currently we are a member of MagHEM consortium, an international research initiative for finding rare earth reduced magnetic materials.

Project Management

Scientific and Industrial project management from start to finish.


12+ years of experience in industrial and government funded research.

Portfolio includes European funding, the Horizon 2020 initiative, EPSRC, Royal Society and industrial funding/ support from companies such as Toyota Motor Corporation, Western Digital and Seagate.

Total amount of managed funds in the last 10 years was £3.175 million, with over £2.4 million in the last 4 years following an upward trajectory.

Our research integrates fundamental research TRL 1-3 (spintronic based memory devices, artificial spin ice structures), prototype development TRL 3-5 (wearable and flexible technologies by advanced thin film manufacturer) to industrial TRL 3-5 (nano-structured heat resisted rare earth magnets for automotive) with individual project costs ranging from £670k to smaller grants of £25k.

Software Development

Python, Matlab, and C covering numerical to general programming.


10+ years experience in software development, including Python, Matlab, and C languages.

Offer expertise in numeric computing, analysis, API creation, and general scripting.

Our previous work includes a micromagnetics simulation package written in C, and an Application Programming Interface (API) written in python for molecular dynamics packages LAMMPS and GULP.